Creation of a Charter for a nightlife without discrimination
In 2022, it was politically decided that a revised "Charter for a nightlife without discrimination" should be drawn up in Copenhagen Municipality - as a follow-up to the previously launched "Charter for a fair nightlife" (2017). There was a need for a process where stakeholders across restaurants, nightlife, minority organisations, knowledge institutions etc. could meet and map out the challenge and the desired situation in relation to experiences with discrimination in the Copenhagen nightlife - an important subject where the emotions are many and large.
Based on international cases and methods within Safer Spaces and structural discrimination, we organized a process where the many stakeholders of the organized nightlife could present their views and professional challenges, which created a basis for mutual recognition, understanding of barriers and professionalism.
The circle of stakeholders together created an outline of the challenges in the nightlife seen from different angles with a focus on creating a joint positive outcome through dialogue, workshops and interviews with the affected environments. We reported to a small project-group under Copenhagen Municipality's nightlife committee and to the administration, and ensured through close dialogue and frequent meetings that political wishes and considerations were balanced with the needs and wishes of the companies and organizations involved.
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