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Nordic Green Orchestra Guide
BARC Scandinavia, DEOO, Bæredygtigt Kulturliv NU, Danske Kulturbestyrelser m.fl.
Covering six different themes, this guide contains a collection of actionable advice for strengthening sustainability in the Nordic orchestra sector. The guide was written by Lars Bertolt Winther (BARC Scandinavia) and Jacob Teglgaard (Bæredygtigt Kulturliv NU) and was launched at the Nordic Orchestra Conference in Helsinki in October 2023.
The project was initiated by BARC Scandinavia and DEOO with project partners Bæredygtigt Kulturliv NU, Danske Kulturbestyrelser and the Iceland Symphony Orchestra, and was financially supported by Augustinus Fonden, Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond and Nordisk Kulturfond.
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